Why Drink Aloe Water?
If you saw from my instagram, for the past month I have been training heavily in ballet and let me tell you it hasn’t been easy. When I was younger I trained in ballet almost every day, studied at Maple Conservatory for a couple years, attended ABT’s summer intensives, and even toured with the Radio City Rockettes as Clara from the Nutcracker. You could say I was quite the bun-head. But as I got older, I began to do less and less ballet and began to focus on more movement, like many seniors in the dance world do. Now that I have graduated, I have this newfound respect and appreciate for ballet, go figure! Ballet is such a good workout because it lengthens your muscles while strengthening and there is absolutely no room for “cheating” or “faking-it”. I have been grateful enough to refresh my ballet training at Yorba Linda Ballet, and even though it can be difficult, I’m loving every second of getting my butt kicked!

I recently discovered Detox Water and just had to try it out since I’m on a health kick but (hopefully turning into a health habit). I’m a true believer in feeding your body the nutrients it needs to perform at its highest capability and aloe water helps with that! Detox Water provides electrolytes, vitamin c, and vitamin b, everything I need for recovery and a strong immune system. I don’t drink enough water throughout the day (confession) so anything that gives me added hydration is something my body really appreciates. For my picky readers, there are three flavors, Lychee and White Grape, (my personal favorite), Mango, and Pineapple Mint. Yum! Lastly, Detox Water promotes healthy skin! Who doesn't want to glow from the inside out? To learn more take a visit to their website HERE